Managing Shipping Policies in Odoo

If your company has a delivery policy that prioritizes shipping products as soon as they are available rather than waiting to ship the entire order at once, Odoo makes this approach feasible to manage.

Odoo supports two main shipping policies:

  1. As soon as possible: Products are shipped individually as they become available in stock.
  2. When all products are ready: The entire order is shipped together once all products are in stock.

By default, Odoo uses the "As soon as possible" shipping policy. However, you can customize this setting to fit your preferences by navigating to Inventory > Configuration > Operations > Picking Policy​.

The chosen shipping policy also impacts the scheduled delivery date:

  • As soon as possible: The delivery date is calculated using the shortest lead time of the products in the order.
  • When all products are ready: The delivery date is determined based on the product with the longest lead time.

When the "As soon as possible" policy is used, any undelivered items will be moved to a Backorder. This process continues until all items from the original order are shipped.