Bill control policy is the setting that defines at which point a Bill can be created for a product in a purchase order.
There are two available options:
- Ordered quantities
- Received quantities
The first option allows to create a bill for all ordered quantities right after the purchase order is confirmed, which means it will not make any difference if the products are received or no. While the second option allows to create a bill only for the received quantities, that is the default option when the module is installed.
This setting is per product and can be found in the Product Form View in the “Purchase Tab”.
The default value for each product is taken from the setting available in Purchase Configuration Page. This setting does not have direct influence on the purchase orders but instead on the default value for the newly created products. Which means in case there is old products that have different option selected already, that one will be still the relevant one for them in the purchase orders, unless it is manually changed.
To summarize , in case the business logic for bill control policy change, it is not enough only to update the setting in the purchase configuration page, but also all products that have the old setting need to be updated.