Overview of the Web Responsive Module The Web Responsive module offers multiple visual improvements for better UI/UX experience in the community edition. The module has well-documented features that help users understand what it offers. T... Functional Oct 23, 2023 Modules Review
What is TransientModel in Odoo TransientModel is a model super-class that stores data in the database temporarily and it is automatically cleaned up on a defined period of time. The scheduled action to clean up the database, in... Odoo 17 Technical Oct 16, 2023 Tips
Overview of the Security System in Odoo Understanding how the security system works in Odoo is crucial for effectively configuring user permissions and comprehending why certain data may or may not be visible to users within the system. Thi... Functional Odoo 17 Security Technical Oct 9, 2023 Posts
Expand the Modals in Odoo with the Web Dialog Size Module The modals in Odoo by default are static, making it impossible to adjust their size or move their position. Which in some cases can be challenging for the users. Especially when dealing with modals th... Functional Oct 2, 2023 Modules Review
Change the Position of the Chatter in Odoo with the "Chatter Position" Module The chatter position in Odoo is not customizable. It adapts to the screen size, appearing on the right side for larger screens and at the bottom for smaller screens. However, when users don't frequent... Functional Sep 25, 2023 Modules Review
How to Hide Odoo Information Page from a Website Every website developed with Odoo comes by default with a publicly available page that lists all installed addons in the system. Here are two methods how to hide this page: 1. Deactivating the Templat... Functional Odoo 17 Sep 18, 2023 Tips
What Is Odoo Developer Mode and Why Do You Need It? The Developer Mode is a powerful tool in Odoo that provides access to a range of settings and options for both developers and admin users. This feature is crucial for configuring and maintaining the s... Functional Odoo 17 Sep 11, 2023 Posts
How to Create a New QWeb Template Using an Existing One as a Base When creating a new QWeb template in Odoo that is very similar to an existing one, which still needs to be left unchanged, there is no need to rewrite the whole code from the existing template. Instea... Odoo 17 Odoo 18 Technical Sep 4, 2023 Tips
Overview of Odoo Community vs Enterprise Edition Odoo is a business management software that offers a comprehensive suite of tools including CRM, Sales, Accounting, Inventory, Purchase, HR, E-Commerce and many more. Its modern and intuitive user int... Functional Sep 4, 2023 Posts
How to Generate a Configuration File in Odoo After installing a new instance of Odoo, in most of the cases would be needed to generate a new configuration file. That can be done with the following command line: python odoo/odoo-bin -c path-to-co... Odoo 17 Odoo 18 Technical May 18, 2023 Tips
CSS Not Loaded in QWeb Reports In case the CSS is not loaded in the QWeb Reports, few System Parameters that may solve the issue are following: The system parameter web.base.url need to have as value the system's domain, in ... Odoo 17 Odoo 18 Technical May 18, 2023 Tips
How to Upgrade All Installed Modules in Odoo In case we need to upgrade all installed modules in an Odoo instance, that can be done directly from the command line using the following command for Linux systems: python odoo/odoo-bin -c < path-to-c... Odoo 17 Odoo 18 Technical May 18, 2023 Tips