The technical menu can be found on the settings page and it is visible only in developer mode. The menu contains more than 16 sections, some of which are visible only if a particular application is installed. For example, the “Calendar” section is shown only if the “Calendar” module is installed.
Instead of going over all options available in the menu, We will try to provide a broad understanding of the types of configuration options and data that can be found there. This way will be more clear where to look the next time when need to find a specific setting or data in the system.
The submenus in the Technical menu are typically organized into well-named sections that make it intuitive for users to find the appropriate submenu. The available sections may differ based on the installed modules, but the following are commonly found:
- Discuss
- Phone / SMS
- Actions
- User Interface
- Database Structure
- Automation
- Reporting
- Sequences & Identifiers
- Parameters
- Privacy
- Resources
- Calendar
While many of the sections in the menu are self-explanatory, some may require more attention. Therefore, we will focus on those and provide a brief overview of them.
- IAP: Odoo offers different types of In-App purchases which can be configured from this section.
- User Interface: This part is reserved for the data and the options related to the user interface, such as the Views, Menus, User Tours, User-defined filters etc.
- Data Stricture: As the name suggests, in this section can be found information about the data structure which includes the data models, fields, relations, attachments, and more.
- Automation: This section contains submenus linked to automating processes in the system, such as: scheduling actions that run automatically on a predefined schedule or automated actions based on specific conditions.
- Reporting: From this section, can be accessed all printable reports as well as the different paper formats for them
- Sequences & Identifiers: This section contains the submenu with sequences, which lists all the available sequences in the system, such as the numbering for different type of orders. From there can be edited existing sequences or created new ones. Also, this section contains all external XML ids related to any data in the system.
- Parameters: In this part of the menu are stored general system parameters and settings, as well as company property data that can vary per company. For example, a product may have a different cost price depending on whether it is assigned to Company A or Company B.
- Privacy: This is where the “Record Rules” and “Access Rights” can be found. For more details about the security system in Odoo we would suggest checking the tutorial "Overview of the security system in Odoo".
- Resources: In this section, can be found data and configurations related to different resources in the system.
The features that the Technical menu provides, similar to the features in the Developer Mode, can be divided into two main groups:
- Configuration settings and
- Data overview and modification
Configuration Settings
The Technical menu contains a wide range of system configuration options. Here are some of them:
- Setting up Outgoing and Incoming email servers
- Creating or modifying email and SMS templates
- Creating or updating scheduled actions that will be executed on a predefined period
- Creating different automation actions based on conditions.
- Configuring the "System Parameters." Some of these parameters are also available for editing in a more user-friendly format from other parts of the system.
- Configuring company resources
- Setting up different In-App Purchase (IAP) accounts
Data overview and modification
In addition to the system configuration options, the Technical menu also provides access to and an overview of important data in the system. This makes it easier to understand the system and manage it directly from the user interface. The data available in the Technical menu can be divided into two main categories:
- Technical data
- Functional data
Technical Data
Technical data refers to the data that is crucial for the proper functioning of the system. The submenus that hold some of the most important technical data are:
- Models: This submenu provides an overview of the data models defined in the system, along with information about their attributes, related fields, access rights, record rules, and views.
- Fields: This view lists all the fields specified in the system. It is particularly helpful when the name of the field is known, but the model is not. For each field there can be found information about its related attributes.
- Views: It contains all the available XML views and provides information about their definition and related attributes. Under the view definition, are specified all the fields that need to be shown in the view, their placement as well as additional attributes. Using the attributes can be applied different rules for the elements in the view, for example, they can make a field required, visible or hidden, read-only or editable, etc.
- Actions: They define the behavior of the system in response to the user's actions. In Odoo there are several different types of actions including "Window Actions", "Server Actions", “Client Actions”, "URL Actions", "Report Actions", and “Automated Actions”. For most of these actions are available separate submenus
- Menus: All the menus defined in the system can be found in this submenu. The menus usually trigger an action in the system which depending on its type can open a particular view or trigger some other part of the application
- Access Rights and Record rules: These are essential components of Odoo's security system and ensure that each user can only see the data that corresponds to their profile.
It is important to note that the “Models” and “Fields” cannot be edited from the user interface, while the changes done to the “Views”, “Actions”, and “Menus“ might be overridden when the module is updated. However, the Access Rights and Record Rules can be edited, and their updates will be permanent in most cases.
Functional Data
The functional data available from the Technical menu includes data created by the users and the system as a result of user actions. Here are some examples of such data:
- Messages: All different types of messages created in the system are listed in this view.
- Followers: The view provides a complete overview of all followers related to all models in the system.
- Emails: All sent and scheduled emails can be found here. However, it should be noted that if the "Auto Delete" option is selected in the email template used for the email, it will be auto-deleted once sent.
- Activities: This view lists all existing activities created by the users in the system.
- Attachments: All attachments created in the system can be found in this view.
- Identifiers: All external XML ids which are related to data in the system are listed under this submenu.
- User-defined filters: All custom filters saved from the user interface can be found in this view.
The technical menu is divided into multiple sections. It contains different configuration options and important data related to different aspects of the system. The data that can be found in this menu can be divided into two main categories: Technical data and Functional data. Technical data is essential for the proper functioning of the system and is largely created from the codebase. Functional data, on the other hand, is generated by users or the system as a result of user actions. Some of the key submenus with Technical data include Models, Fields, Views, Actions, Menus, Access Rights, and Record Rules, each providing insights into specific technical aspects of the system.
The native Odoo filtering functionality can be limiting for some use cases, especially when searching by relational data. Also, the drop-down does not provide the best user experience when there are many fields to choose from.
This is where the “Web Advanced Search” module fits in. It makes the filtering much easier with the type-to-search field option. Also, it provides the option of searching by relational data, which is very useful feature. A few examples where the search can be done only with the Advanced Filter are:
- Filtering Quotations with customers from a particular country or
- Filtering Invoices with customers that have credit limit less than a certain amount
The Advanced Filter is a really useful functionality that not only can speed up the work in the system but allows doing searches which are not possible with the native filtering option by Odoo. This module is highly recommended for anyone who is using Odoo 16 or any of the previous versions. However, in Odoo 17 this feature will be available in the native version of Odoo.
The module is maintained by the Odoo Community Association (OCA).
In addition is a short video with the module’s features.
The Web Responsive module offers multiple visual improvements for better UI/UX experience in the community edition.
The module has well-documented features that help users understand what it offers.
The list of features is divided into three groups based on device screen size:
- Universal Features
- Mobile-Specific Features
- Desktop-Specific Features
Universal Features
Once the module is installed, it is immediately noticeable that the navigation menu has changed to a full-screen app menu. Additionally, a quick menu search is added at the top, which is auto-focused on desktop screens. This change makes navigation through the system quicker and more convenient.
Furthermore, users can set the default view after logging in to be the full-screen app menu. This can be done by selecting the option Redirect to Home
in the Preferences tab of the User form view. The User form view can be accessed via Settings > Users & Companies > Users
The next few improvements in this group focus on list and form views. In the list view, both the header and footer are made sticky. By default, Odoo only makes the header sticky for desktops. This change significantly improves the user experience when scrolling through long list views. Additionally, checkboxes in the list view are slightly enlarged for better usability.
In the form view, the status bar is made sticky, making it accessible for any action without requiring users to scroll to the top of the screen. This feature worked as expected in version 16; however, during our testing, it did not function properly in version 17.
Another useful enhancement is the ability to change the color of the chatter composer when a message is sent to external users. This functionality improves clarity and usability.
Mobile-Specific Features
The features in this section, which are not available in native Odoo 17, mainly focus on optimizing screen space. As part of this optimization, the buttons in the control panel are replaced with icons.
Additionally, the avatar is removed from the chatter when sending a new message. This change creates extra space for the message composer, which is particularly valuable on small screens.
Desktop-Specific Features
For desktop screens, one highly useful feature is the ability to expand form sheets to full width. This creates additional workspace, especially when the chatter is positioned at the bottom. The position of the chatter can be easily adjusted using the Chatter Position module.
Another feature in this group is the ability to preview attachments on the side. Users still have the option to maximize the preview if needed.
The last modification introduced by the module concerns keyboard shortcuts. After installation, the Alt + [NUM]
shortcuts are replaced with Alt + Shift + [NUM]
. According to the documentation, this change is primarily intended to avoid conflicts with Firefox tab-switching shortcuts. A practical addition is that pressing Alt displays the available shortcuts on the screen, making them easier to use.
Final Thoughts
This module provides valuable features that make working in Odoo even more convenient. However, given the wide array of functionalities, not all features may align with every user's preferences. A potential improvement could be categorizing these features into groups and offering them as optional choices. This way, users could select only the features relevant to their needs.
The module is actively maintained by the Odoo Community Association (OCA), and the latest available version is, with migration to version 18 in progress.
In addition is a short video with the module’s features.
The modals in Odoo by default are static, making it impossible to adjust their size or move their position. Which in some cases can be challenging for the users. Especially when dealing with modals that contain an extensive amount of data, such as a list view with numerous columns.
The Web Dialog Size module enables the modals to resize in width, with two possible options: the native size provided by Odoo and a full-width view. Once the module is installed the "Expand" icon can be found in the right corner of a modal just before the close button. On click of the icon the modal is resized to full-width and the icon is switched to a "Compressed" icon, on click of which the modal returns to its original size.
Additionally, it is possible the option full-width to be the default one. However, there is no available setting for it in the configuration settings, instead, a System Parameter needs to be created manually.
The parameter can be added from the Technical menu which is available on the Settings page when developer mode is activated. By clicking on the System Parameters menu in the Parameters section a list view will be shown with all parameters available in the system. A new one can be created by clicking on the button New. The key for this parameter needs to be web_dialog_size.default_maximize
while the value needs to be set to True
It is important to mention that in case the module is not anymore needed and it is uninstalled from the system this parameter will need to be removed manually from the System Parameters table.
In addition to the resizing feature that this module provides, it also adds the draggable option for the modals. This means that the modals are no longer static and can be easily moved anywhere on the screen. This can be especially useful in situations where it's necessary to reference data on the screen while working within the modal.
This module is maintained by the Odoo Community Association and it is available for Odoo 16 and all previous versions.
In addition is a short video with the module’s features.
The chatter position in Odoo is not customizable. It adapts to the screen size, appearing on the right side for larger screens and at the bottom for smaller screens. However, when users don't frequently use the chatter, a significant portion of the main workspace remains underutilized. This area could be better utilized, especially in form views where a substantial amount of information needs to be displayed on the screen, particularly when there are nested tables, such as in the Sales Order form view.
The "Chatter Position" module, as the name suggests, introduces the ability to customize the placement of the chatter. This customization is user-specific and can be found in the user profile settings. The three available positioning options are:
- Responsive
- Bottom
- Sided
This is the default and natively supported option in Odoo. As previously mentioned, this choice automatically sets the chatter to either the side or bottom position, depending on the screen size.
Setting the chatter to this position will place it always at the bottom, freeing up additional space for the form view. It is important to mention that changing the position of the chatter by default will not expand the workspace for the form view. To achieve that need to be installed one of the modules: Web Sheet Full Width or Web Responsive. I would recommend the latter, as it introduces a lot more tweaks and optimizations to the entire Odoo backend interface.
Selecting this option will keep the chatter permanently positioned at the side. However, this choice tends to be less favored, especially on smaller screens, where it can become less practical.
From a technical perspective, the module is maintained by Odoo Community Association (OCA) which has a well-established quality assurance system for all of its modules. This provides a strong assurance that the addons are technically very well implemented and maintained.
The module is available for Odoo 15 and 16 and it supports both Community & Enterprise Edition.
In addition is a short video on how to install the module and the options that it provides.